- Copy Brc
to the directory containing acme.exe (say C:\acme-sac.)
- Add the following plumb rule to /usr/user/lib/plumbing.
# Microsoft Windows file names
kind is text
data matches '(^[a-zA-Z]):(.*)'
plumb alwaysstart acme
plumb start /dis/sh.dis -c 'plumb -d edit /n/^`{echo $1 | tr A-Z a-z}^`{echo $2 | tr ''\\ '' /␣}'
- Mount the Windows file system and
export the Inferno name space in Acme SAC:
trfs '#UC:/' /n/c
trfs '#UD:/' /n/d
listen -Av 'tcp!*!styx' {export /&}
- Change file associations in Windows.
ftype txtfile=C:\acme-sac\acme.exe -r C:\acme-sac sh.dis /Brc %1%